Interlibrary Loan
Current students, faculty, and staff are able to use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to borrow books, journal articles, or other materials from thousands of other libraries that participate in ILL resource sharing.
You will be prompted to register for ILL the first time you place a request. If your citation is from an AI chat interface (such as ChatGPT), please verify that the cited source exists.
Articles, books, media, book chapters, etc. may be requested from another library.
However, there are some restrictions on what we will request. If UND already owns an item, we will not request it through ILL unless our copy is lost or unavailable. If an item is in use, we will not request it; you must recall it and/or put a hold on it. Distance students are an exception and may request material that UND owns to be sent to them (see the next item below for more information).
Note: The library can not request textbooks or e-books.
Contact the ILL Office via the form below if you have questions about materials.
Distance borrowers live outside the Grand Forks/East Grand Forks Zip Code area (58201, 58202, 58203, or 56721) and do not come to campus regularly.
If you are a distance borrower and you wish to borrow an item from the Chester Fritz Library's collection or through regular ILL, you can use this request form to have an item sent to you (one-time registration is required before submitting your first request):
We will email distance users additional information and instructions after we receive your registration.
To ensure proper delivery, distance users are responsible for keeping their mailing address current in Campus Connection and in the ILL registration database. (To update your ILL registration database address, you need to begin the ILL request submission process, and update by clicking the link at the bottom of step 3 Let me update my contact details)
Books will be mailed to you (allow 15-30 business days for delivery). We will send books within the U.S. and Canada only. You are responsible for return postage and shipping for delivery to UND by the due date. You are also responsible for lost and late fees.
For more information, see the Interlibrary Loan Policy page.
Requests may be submitted by completing one of these forms (one-time registration is required before submitting your first request):
- Online ILL Registration Form (Use this link to register. You may submit requests once registration is completed.)
- Request through ODIN online catalog
It varies. We recommend allowing 10 business days, though it is not unusual to receive items more quickly. Journal articles tend to arrive faster than books because they can be delivered electronically.
Distance borrowers should allow more time for mailing of physical items.
We will try to find the requested item from a source that does not charge. If such a source is not available, you may be asked to pay the difference for any charges exceeding $25.00. Charges may include copyright fees.
This happens infrequently. When it does,
- we will ask your permission before filling the request, and
- the cost may need to be prepaid before we request the item.
Because the costs incurred in the ILL process are significant, it is important that the requested materials be needed and used. The borrower's university account may be charged $10 for each requested item not picked up within 30 days of receipt or before its due date.
Local borrowers can pick up items at the Ask Us desk on the Second Floor. Bring your UND ID card to check out the item. Journal articles will be emailed to your UND account.
Distance borrowers will have physical items mailed to them. Articles and book chapters not available online may be scanned and emailed to distance borrowers' UND accounts. Scanning and copying may be subject to copyright law.
An ILL renewal may be requested once only. Granting of renewal and length of renewal is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the lending library. If denied, the item needs to be returned by its due date.
Request renewals one week before the due date. To request a renewal of your ILL item
call us at 701.777.4631 or email us using the form below.
For more information on renewing an ILL item, see our ILL Policy page.
Have a question that isn't answered here? Phone the ILL Office at 701.777.4631 or use the form below.