Professional Positions
Systems Librarian
Chester Fritz Library at the University of North Dakota invites applications for the position of Systems Librarian. The successful candidate will support and maintain the library services platform Alma and Primo VE, maintain and troubleshoot off-campus access to library resources, and collaborate on a variety of digital projects for the benefit of UND’s students, faculty and staff and the broader community.
Join our team of dedicated, focused librarians and staff at Chester Fritz Library. This is a full-time, permanent position with a competitive salary and excellent benefits including full health insurance and TIAA retirement plans. Remote work is an option. To learn more and apply, see the full position description.
Please contact Will Martin with questions.
Student Employment
Check available positions using the UND careers page
- To limit the search to the library, select "Chester Fritz Library" from the "Department" section in the left side filters
- Work study positions require work study funding, but institutional jobs are open to anyone.
Approximately 100 students are employed by the Chester Fritz Library each year. Student responsibilities may include the following (depending upon area assigned):
- Answering Questions from other students at the Knowledge Commons;
- Helping other students locate books and journal articles;
- Graphic design and layout;
- Developing messaging for marketing library services and programs;
- Sharing content and updates on social media;
- Assisting librarians in teaching, developing teaching materials, and updating research guides;
- Checking out and Shelving books;
- Assisting in administrative offices;
- Assisting in Ordering and processing new books and journals to add to the library collections;
- Developing and hosting events for students to promote the libraries;
- Assisting library users with printing or computer resources;
- Other needed assignments
Applicants must be motivated, pay attention to details, display excellent interpersonal skills, and be able to work both independently and in a team environment. Some positions may require only daytime hours.