Printing and Scanning

We offer several print options for students, faculty and staff. Students are able to print with their U-card, just as they can with any uPrint location across campus.
For instructions and information about printing with your student account, including current printing costs and locations across campus, view the University IT uPrint documentation.
There are 3 print stations at the Chester Fritz Library. On the first floor, there is a uPrint near UIT. The print station on the 2nd Floor is by the computer lab (B&W and color; color duplex). On the third floor, there is a print station near the DVD collection.
Touch Screen Scanners

The two touch screen scanners are able to scan to email, USB flash drive, cloud services, or your mobile phone. It's fast and handy! There is one scanner located on the first floor outside the periodicals office. This scanner is able to handle paper up to 11" x 17".
The second scanner is located on the second floor near the UPrint station. This scanner can do large format as well as books. There are also several editing functions available directly on the scanner.
Other Scanners

We also have three other special-format scanners in the building:
- ScanPro 3000 microform scanner for microfilm, microfiche, ultrafiche, micro-opaque (second floor, ask at the Ask Us desk for more information)
- 1 overhead Book Scanner 9000 (4th floor, Special Collections), available for Special Collections patrons
- 1 microfilm scanner (4th floor, Special Collections