Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections
Special Collections will be closed from 9am-10:30am on March 20 due to mandatory training
Special Collections Mission
Special Collections complements the mission of the University of North Dakota and the Chester Fritz Library by collecting, preserving, and making accessible records of enduring historical value to the University community, other scholars, and interested persons. (Approved 17 March 2016)
Research Questions
Please contact us with any questions. Reference questions are answered in the order in which they are received. Special Collections will make every attempt to contact researchers within five business days after their email is received. Some research requests may incur a fee.
Featured Collections
Bygdebok Collection
Bygdebøker are published farm and family histories compiled by local Norwegian groups, of interest to historians and genealogists. This database allows you to search for bygdebøker by the place they were written about.
Digital Collections
Browse the Special Collections digital archive on the UND Scholarly Commons. Collections include the John F. Kennedy Digital Archive, UND Writers Conference, North Dakota Quarterly, and more
Finding Aids
Archon is a database of finding aids for archival collections housed in the Department of Special Collections.